Terzo webinar dedicato alle opportunità per il settore health a Boston e in Pennsylvania
29 settembre 2020 – ore 16.00 – 18.00
Philadelphia e Boston sono due hub fondamentali per l’innovazione nel settore sanitario e delle scienze della vita, grazie anche alla presenza di alcune fra le più prestigiose organizzazioni dedite alla ricerca e di moltissime aziende sanitarie di fama mondiale.
Il terzo appuntamento online è dedicato all’approfondimento dei due settori di riferimento dei due bandi, ovvero Gene & Cell Therapy per Philadelphia e Big Data & Artificial Intelligence for Health per Boston.
Programma del webinar
h.16.00-17.00: Philadelphia: Focus on Gene & Cell Therapy
Speaker: Jason Hunt – Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development
Karina Sotnik – University City Science Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the original home of cell and gene therapy. The field was created by the cutting-edge research of Carl June, Jim Wilson, Jean Bennet, and others at the University of Pennsylvania. Notable cell and gene therapy companies that have spun out of Penn and its affiliated hospitals include Spark Therapeutics, Tmunity Therapeutics, Carisma Therapeutics, Cabaletta Bio, ReGenX Bio, Scout Bio, and Passage Bio. The Philadelphia region is now home to more than 30 cell and gene therapy companies. Join us to learn more about this ecosystem and discover opportunities for collaboration or growing your business in the United States.
h.17.00-18.00: Boston – Big Data & Health
Speaker: Steven Wardell – Wardell Advisors
Big data, analytics and their applications are rapidly growing across the healthcare continuum, from genomic research to drug discovery, diagnostics, remote monitoring and care delivery. With its leading research hospitals, universities, a growing start-up community, tech company research centers, and a state commitment to e-health, Massachusetts is playing an important role in many of these sectors. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated both research and adoption of digital technologies.
Join this session for a look at trends in this sector and the Massachusetts big data ecosystem
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Per consultare i due bandi: https://www.art-er.it/2020/08/life-science-due-nuovi-bandi-rer-per-linternazionalizzazione-in-usa-di-imprese-start-up-e-laboratori/